C-Munipack - history
Version 1.1
- 1.1.24 (11. 4. 2008)
Fixed bug in import dialog in the 'Find Variables' dialog - error in file filter (*.dat vs. *.txt).
Fixed bug in the 'Results' dialog - error when opening a file exported by the 'Find Variables' dialog.
- 1.1.23 (16. 3. 2008)
Fixed bug in calibration of frames which have 16bit signed integer data.
Fixed bug in the documentation - SNR = -2.5 mag means _10_ times greater.
- 1.1.22 (16. 2. 2008)
New date & time format - SIGMA402 CCD Kamera
- 1.1.21 (19. 1. 2008)
New date & time format - PMIS Image Processing Software
New date & time format - IRIS
- 1.1.20 (25. 12. 2007)
Extended precision of magnitudes to 4 decimal places
- 1.1.19 (08. 12. 2007)
Added support for GCVS volume I-III (Oct 2007)
- 1.1.18 (28. 10. 2007)
New JD converter tool - it converts JD to date and time and back
New Hel. corr. tool - it computes heliocentric correction
New Air-mass coef. tool - it computes air-mass coefficient
Fixed bug in air-mass coefficient algorithm
- 1.1.17 (30. 9. 2007)
Fixed bug in Autocontrast function in Muniwin program (Range check error in CCD preview)
- 1.1.16 (23. 9. 2007)
Photometry and other tools treats correctly negative pixel values
New graph of standard deviation vs. size of the aperture
The Low good datum parameter in sigmas was replaced by the Min. pixel value parameter in ADU.
The High good datum parameter was renamed to Max. pixel value.
- 1.1.15 (29. 7. 2007)
First experimental version of QMuniwin, the multiplatform GUI for C-Munipack, was released.
A few minor changes were required to compile QMuniwin properly.
A few corrections in the electronic help files.
- 1.1.14 (9. 7. 2007)
Library and command-line tools are compatible with MS Visual C++ 2005. Tested in Express Edition, which
is free for non-commercial use.
A few minor bug fixed in the standard matching algorithm.
New matching algorithm for very sparse fields (it's possible to reduce frames which contain only one star).
This feature is disable by default. If you want to use this method, you have to enable it in the Preferences
dialog on the Matching tab.
- 1.1.13 (10. 6. 2007)
Advanced calibration - scalable dark frames, bias correction, tool for making master bias frames
CFITSIO library updated to version 3.040.
A few minor bug fixes and changes in graphical user interface.
- 1.1.12 (17. 4. 2007)
Fixed critical bug in 'Plot curve' dialog - invalid parameter error when computing heliocentric correction or air-mass coefficient).
- 1.1.11 (14. 4. 2007)
New feature - artifitial comparison star. It is possible to select more than one comparison star
in the 'Choose stars' dialog. When the light curve is made, the comparison stars are averaged and
the presicion of the results is improved. See note below
A few minor changes in graphical user interface.
Note on comparison star averaging:
The following formulas are used:
M(avg) = -2.5*log(sum(10^(-0.4*M(i))/n)), where M is brightness in magnitudes
E(avg) = (sum(E(i))/n) / sqrt(n), where E is standard error and n is number of comparison stars used
- 1.1.10 (24. 2. 2007)
New date & time format - Meade Autostar
- 1.1.9 (3. 2. 2007)
Fixed bug in 'Make catalogue file' feature -
some catalogue files, which were created by previous version can be invalid. It is due to <ph/adu> element, which is not in fact
correct XML element. You can repair the file by replacing the <ph/adu> by <phadu>
and </ph/adu> by </phadu>.
Added sounds, which are played when the processing has finished or failed. This feature is
disabled by default and can be enabled in the 'Preferences' dialog.
New 'kombine' tool, which is intended for merging CCD frames.
New 'Merging frames' tool in the Muniwin program. See electronic help for further details.
- 1.1.8 (3. 1. 2007)
Fixed bug - invisible dialogs on notebooks and multimonitor PCs.
Fixed bug in Preview mode of the Input files.
Man pages for all command-line tools.
- 1.1.7 (29. 12. 2006)
Reading object's coordinates from the source files.
Fixed bug - wrong direction of scroll bar in preview window (only for zoom 100%).
Time correction with precision greater than one second.
Displaying the size of the default aperture and sky annulus in the preview window.
Exporting images by means of FreeImage library.
Extended set of export filters - JPEG, TIFF, PNG and BMP.
Customizable size of the exported images.
Copying the image to the clipboard.
Show messages dialog, Show results dialog and Show catalogue files are now modal.
List of error messages in the electronic help.
Command-line tool for computing airmass coefficient.
Fixed bug in Find variables dialog (apertures selection).
Improved synchronization of main thread and worker thread.
- 1.1.6 (8. 10. 2006)
Fixed bug: Removing multiple files didn't removed all selected files.
Fixed bug: When closing dialog "Dark correction" by Cancel button, program complains about missing dark frame.
New datum format: DATE-OBS = dd/mm/yyyy.
- 1.1.5 (27. 9. 2006)
Minor graphical changes of the Muniwin interface.
Computing mean FWHM value of stars in photometry.
- 1.1.4 (20. 8. 2006)
Scrolling the preview window by Shift key + left mouse button.
Zoom to the region selected by Ctrl key + left mouse button.
Added Next and Prev buttons to the preview window.
Zoom and scroll bars also in preview of a photometry file.
Fixed bug in rendering CCD frames in Slideshow mode.
Fixed bug in matching - Invalid floating point operation.
Updated czech and english versions of the electronic help.
- 1.1.3 (29. 7. 2006)
Fixed bugs in the preview dialog.
Process dialog is now of modal type, processes are executed in the separated thread.
Mouse wheel in the preview dialog changes the zoom.
CFITSIO library updated to version 3.006.
Fixed problems with processing files with brackets in the filename (extended syntax in fitsio library).
Displaying minimum, maximum, mean values and std. deviation in the Plot curve dialog.
Saving column widths in the table of the input files.
- 1.1.2 (19. 7. 2006)
Fixed bug in "Restore" feature in the Preferences dialog.
Gray or pseudocolor scale in the image preview dialog.
Some changes in munilist interface of the CMunipack library.
Aperture selection in the "Plot curve" dialog.
Context menu for measurements in the "Plot curve" dialog - you can simply display further
information about selected measurement or delete it from the list.
Dates and times displayed in the Input files table are always times of the center of the exposure.
- 1.1.1 (20. 5. 2006)
Configure script and Makefiles for Linux users, source tarball is available.
Backup/restore of configuration files in the Preferences dialog.
Cmunipack library interface was updated and extended.
SNR computation. (Open image preview window and click on a star.)
A few minor changes and bug fixes in graphical user interface.
Table of input files is now bound with main application window.
- 1.1.0 (5. 2. 2006)
Czech and english electronic help.
Fixed bug in Add files dialog (Access violation in ntdll.dll).
Fixed bug in Photometry (Invalid parameter).
Coordinates can include both commas or decimal dots.
Binary distribution includes default set of ini files.
- 1.1 Beta (21. 1. 2006)
The Muniwiew plugin was completely reimplemented in C++; all necessary libraries are linked into single binary file; new status bar
on the bottom of the window; fit-to-window feature; support for "miniatures".
Heliocentric correction and air-mass coefficient computation.
Improved "Process new files" dialog.
Image preview - rendering in pseudocolor scale; image magnification; fit-to-window feature; overexposed and
bad pixels highlighting.
Improved print functions, printing CCD frames.
Subdirectories in Results window.
Solved problem with _findfirst on Linux.
Makefiles (tested on GCC and Windows).
Reorganized source code.
Konve utility can print out detailed information on OES Astro files.
Version 1.0
- 1.0.22 (2005-10-18)
- Fixed bug in photometry (access violation error).
Fixed bug in 'Preferences' dialog - elipsis button in directory settings did not work.
Fixed bug in 'Make catalogue file' dialog - the value in 'camera' field was overwritten by value in 'telescope' field.
Fixed bug in 'Express reduction' dialog - the selection of stars was not restored from catalogue file.
A few minor changes in graphical user interface.
- 1.0.21 (2005-10-16)
- Corrected bug in format detection routine (it affects OES Astro files only).
Corrected bug in julian date decoding - floating point error in time correction.
'Fit to window' function in image preview window.
FWHM computation (Open image preview window and click on a star.)
A few minor changes in graphical user interface.
- 1.0.20 (2005-09-14)
- Support for DATE-BEG date and time format (SIMS).
Improvement of stability of Muniwin (access violation in 'ntdll.dll' errors).
Corrections in OES Astro reading routine.
A few minor changes in graphical user interface.
Greater size of 'filter' field in the photometric files (SIMS).
Updated czech and english electronic help and user manual.
- 1.0.19 (2005-08-11)
- Corrections in date and time formats (A. Paschke, H. Landes)
Converting the OES Astro format to temporary files with 'float' data type for better precision
- 1.0.18 (2005-08-01)
- The algorithm of Meandark was changed to robust median instead of mean (it gives much better results).
Experimental support for OES Astro format.
The unit of 'readout noise' parameter was corrected to 'e-' instead of 'ADU'.
Fixed bug: The 'slideshow' item in the context menu is not checked when the window is set in the slideshow mode.
The autocontrast algorithm was improved.
The Autoflat program has got its own configuration file Autoflat.ini. In the Muniwin program, the settings was
moved to the Preferences dialog (new Autoflat section).
Configurable columns in the Input files window ('Data shown' item in the context menu).
Updated czech and english electronic help, language corrections of the english version.
The terminal mode of the Helcor program has got three new commands: 'ra', 'de' and '?'.
- (2005-06-29)
- New: The Muniwin tutorial - the Macromedia Flash application, which demonstrates the reduction of a set of
CCD frames with help ot the Muniwin program.
The czech project documentation was extended and updated.
- 1.0.17 (2005-06-22)
- Fixed bug in robust median algorithm - it caused black pixels (value=0) on the master-flats.
Fixed bug in dark correction algorithm - it caused gray pixels (value=32768) on the frames.
Fixed bug in helcor program - inverted function of 'reverse' flag.
Preview and slideshow modes of input files window.
Changed the user interface of master-flat and master-dark tools.
New tool added - plotting track list (periodic error graph).
Results window - new functions in context menu.
Drag-and-drop and clipboard support in Input files and Results windows.
Saving reference frames into catalogue folder.
Fixed bug in autocontrast - division by zero if the frame has equal values of all pixels.
Find variables - the Comp button remains selected until the user clicks on the Var button.
All "options" items in main menu are under "Tools->Preferences".
Sizeable file selection dialog windows.
History of filters and file names in Select dialog.
Double-click on preview opens a image in full resolution.
English electronic help.
- 1.0.16 (2005-04-12)
- The photometry was checked - no error was found.
Corrected bug in time correction - in some conditions it may
produce invalid time of observation (60.0 seconds)
Corrected bug in Muniview plugin - if two or more windows were open
in one time, it crashed (Access violation).
- 1.0.15 (2005-03-14)
- New input file format - "SBIG Compressed Image"
- 1.0.14 (2004-12-28)
- New format of date of observation added (FITS saved by CCDOPS V3.04)
- 1.0.13 (2004-12-22)
- A bug "Invalid pointer operation" in conversion of FITS files were corrected.
- 1.0.12 (2004-12-09)
- New feature: Muniview - Excellent lister plugin for Christian Ghisler's Total Commander!
New format of date and time of observation added.
Corrected bug in konve - the handle of source file was not closed after copying the FITS file into temporary folder.
A few minor changes and corrections of graphical user interface (as usual).
- 1.0.11 (2004-09-11)
- The czech version of project's documentation were updated.
The sample files for testing and evaluation purposes are now available.
A few minor changes and corrections of graphical user interface.
- 1.0.10 (2004-09-20)
- New tool added - express photometry.
Aperture selection added to Munilist and Munifind.
Configuration files added to Munilist and Munifind.
Munilist can write "readall" format.
Munifind can read "readall" format.
The user can now select variant number of stars in "Choose stars" dialog (in the previous
version you had to select always four stars).
- 1.0.9 (2004-07-05)
- New tool added - processing new files only
- June 2004
- The development of the cross-platform GUI - XMuniwin program - was started.
- 1.0.8 (2004-04-26)
- Reads FITS files with time of observation included in DATE-OBS field.
Saving last entered values in catalogue parameters dialog.
As usual, a few small errors in user interface were corrected.
- 1.0.7 (2004-04-18)
- Munifind was integrated to Muniwin user interface.
A few small errors in user interface were corrected.
- 1.0.6 (2004-03-28)
- Support for PixCel237 frames.
- 1.0.5 (2004-03-14)
- Time of observation is read from TIME-OBS fields also.
Many small errors in user interface were corrected.
- 1.0.4 (2004-02-29)
- Problem with overflowing virtual memory solved.
First version of english manual was finished.
- 2003-12-12
- Changes in dialog for choosing stars
The identification chart can be saved in JPEG format
Support for catalogue files.
- 2003-10-26
- First experimental version was released.
- April 2003
- The project was started
© 2006 David Motl