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The project manager and author of most part of source codes is David Motl. Some parts of the sources originate from Munipack package, which was written by Filip Hroch. Graphical user interface was inpired by Rudolf Novak's Munidos. Algorithms for aperture photometry originates from Daophot software by P. B. Stetson. Munifind algorithm originates from Varfind tool written by Lukas Kral.
Filip Hroch - author of Munipack
Lukáš Král - author of Varfind utility
Miloslav Zejda - testing and comments to the program and documentation
Ondřej Pejcha - testing and comments to the program
Petr Svoboda - testing and comments to the program
Jitka Kudrnáčová - translation of the documentation
Petr Luťcha - translation of the documentation
Volcan Bakis - algorithm of air-mass coefficient computation